Smoke Free
Ramadan Campaign 2011
(June 2011)
The Muslim Health Network is preparing for
one of its principal annual projects, initiated in 2001, the Smoke
Ramadan Campaign. |
South Asian
Community Organ Donation Campaign
(Feb 2010)
Working in partnership with NHS Blood and Transplant,
MHN helped promote and deliver the highly successful South Asian
Community Organ Donation Campaign. |
MHN & Arabic Quitline working Towards a Smoke Free Future Campaign
(Dec 2009)
In association with over 100 principal community stakeholders in the British Arab Community, MHN and the Arabic Quit Line an initiative of the national smoking cessation charity QUIT, organised and delivered the Towards a Smoke Free Future campaign. |
Smoke Free Ramadan
Campaign 2007
(Tuesday 10th July 2007)
The blessed month is approaching, following the
welcomed ban on smoking in public places watershed of 1st July,
the Muslim Health Network is in a buoyant and determined mood to
get as many Muslims as possible to relinquish this unpleasant, unhealthy
and smelly habit once and for all, this Ramadan!... |
MHN Assists UK Transplant’s ‘Can
we Count on you?’ Initiative
(June 2007)
The Muslim Health Network recently endorsed and
supported the UK Transplant’s organ donation campaign, which
targeted the Asian community. |
In Defence of
Muslim Doctors
(Thursday 5th July 2007)
In light of the recent attempted car bombings
in London and the attack on Glasgow Airport, the Muslim Health Network
categorically denounces these vile and reprehensible actions... |
MHN Pleased
with the Advent of a Smoke Free England
(Monday 2nd July 2007)
As a staunch anti-smoking advocate, the Muslim
Health Network welcomed the smoking in public places ban which came
into effect on 1st of July 2007... |
Child Vaccination
In Islam
(29th Jan 2007)
From a general Islamic jurisprudence perspective
there is agreement amongst the scholars that vaccinations in principle
are permissible
and there are various Quranic references and prophetic narrations... |
Accommodating Faith within the NHS
(16th Jan 2007)
Professor Aziz Sheikh of Edinburgh University
recently commented on the need for more specific health services for
Muslims, this was welcomed and broadly supported by the Muslim Health
Network. |
Tobacco & Smoke
Free Ramadan Campaign 2006
(3rd Oct 2006)
Ramadan is fast approaching and the Muslim Health Network is gearing
up for another Smoke Free Ramadan with the appreciated involvement
of both the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Executive. |
Wake up to No
Smoking Day 2005
(5th Feb 2005)
Our smoking brethren always state that
they want to give up cigarettes, but have difficulty in setting a
date. Well that special time of year has arrived again and No Smoking
Day is around the corner... |
Healthcare Commission
(11th Feb 2005)
The Healthcare Commission exists to promote
improvement in the quality of healthcare in England and Wales... |
The Smoke Free
London Forum
(5th Feb 2005)
The London Health Commission operates through
a number of forums that consider the impact of health inequalities
on the lives of Londoners... |
MHN Welcomes
the Government White Paper on Smoking and Obesity
(15th Nov 2004)
The Muslim Health Network (MHN) welcomes the
government White Paper on Public Health launched today. MHN
supports the government and its efforts in improving public health,
as it has addressed
the key issues that the Muslim Health Network has been advocating
since 2003. |
Its Official:
British Muslims have the Worst State of Health
(14th Nov 2004)
The National Census 2001, which for the first time collated data
on religious groups within Britain has revealed shocking new evidence
on the poor state of health amongst British Muslims. The recently
evaluated information indicates that Muslims have the highest rates
of reported ill-health. |
Smoke Free Ramadan
Campaign 2004
(27th Aug 2004)
Once again the Muslim Health Network is preparing
for the Tobacco & Second-Hand
Smoke Free Ramadan Campaign 2004 in conjunction with QUITand the
British Heart Foundation... |
MHN Smoking Cessation
Training Day Birmingham
(21nd July 2004)
After organising a successful Smoking Cessation
Training Day in London and having
received a number
of requests for a similar event in the Midlands... |
MHN Stop Smoking
Training Day
(22nd June 2004)
MHN organised a smoking and tobacco cessation
training day at the Ebrahim Communiy College in London, with the
kind assistance of QUIT. |
Muslims communities
urged to Choose Health
(4th March
The Muslim Health Network (MHN) welcomes the
Secretary of State for Health’s new public health initiative "Choosing
Health " launched today it will consultant with British
society on a White Paper on obesity, smoking and sexually transmitted
infection. |
MHN Launches its Healthy Heart Campaign 2004
The Muslim Health Network has initiated a Healthy Heart Campaign
to build general awareness on keeping our hearts healthy and fit. |
MHN supports the Arabic Quitline launch 2003
The Arabic Smokers Quitline is a unique and
important smoking cessation initiative aimed at the UK’s
large Arab populous. |
Tobacco & Second-Hand
Smoke Free Ramadan Campaign 2003
The Muslim Health Network is pleased to
announce the successful completion of this years Smoke Free
Ramadan Timetable Campaign. With the help and assistance of
QUIT(supported by the British Heart Foundation) ... |