MHN Smoking & Tobacco Cessation
Training Day 2004
since its introduction into the Muslim community in the 17th Century,
tobacco has killed and ruined the health
of countless Muslims.
Today, it still creates great controversy
and despite knowing the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke,
cities are finding that their attempts to ban smoking in public
places is being met with stiff opposition.
The World Health Organisation’s
Eastern Mediterranean Section produced a report "Islamic Ruling
on Smoking" in Muharram
1409 AH (August 1988) that summarised the opinion of many scholars.
They ruled after intense study of the Quran and Sunnah (religious
scriptures) that smoking can now be classified as totally un-Islamic.
MHN organised a Smoking & Tobacco Cessation
Training Day on the 22nd of June 2004 at the Ebrahim Community College
in London.
free event was primarily arranged for the benefit of Imams, teachers
and individuals working within the community. On the day people
in attendance included, Imams, youth workers, specialist smoking
community representatives, health development workers and smoking
cessation co-ordinators.
The programme consisted of lectures addressing
the Islamic perspective on smoking, tobacco as a global health problem,
tobacco use/addiction and the importance of counselling. After
lunch a number
of small group workshops provided for a more direct and informal
discussion amongst team members and training staff, on areas
such as identifying
different smoker types, how to advise, support and prevent relapse.
MHN would like to express its gratitude and thanks to all those
who attended and to QUIT for their invaluable support and assistance
arranging what we hope was a successful and informative experience.
To view an online version of the course,
visit Smoking & Tobacco
Cessation Training Course.
