Its Official: British Muslims have
the Worst State of Health
The National Census 2001, which for the
first time collated data on religious groups within Britain has revealed
shocking new evidence on the poor state of health amongst British
Muslims. The recently evaluated information indicates that Muslims
have the highest rates of reported ill-health.
The general health question
in the 2001 census being referred to asked, ‘Over
the last 12 months would you say your health, has on the whole been
Good, Fairly Good, Not Good?’. Alarmingly, after having made
allowances for the distribution of different age groups within the
community, Muslims were found to have the worst health, with Muslim
women reporting ill-health more widely than Muslim men.
Another area
of concern uncovered the terrible incidence of disability amongst
Muslims, the highest rate amongst all the religious groups
in the UK. Approximately a quarter of Muslim women and a fifth
of Muslim men reportedly suffer form of disability or long-term illness
which restricts daily activities.
The census results should act
as type of watershed within the community. We should act collectively
now before the situation
any further. On an individual, family, local and regional level,
should be made to change the community mindset and attitudes
towards healthier diets, regular sustained exercise and healthier
This requires a strategically planned, co-operative approach
from local community representatives, mosques/Islamic Centres, health
professionals, all community organisations/charities and regional
primary care authorities.
The Muslim Health Network has been
initiated to function as a
medium for engagement and reform in our outlook on health.
We cordially
invite all the above and especially the community at large
to assist us,
in our future campaigns and initiatives to help build a healthier
community, society and more prosperous future.
Read the full report here