Water is critical for life, between 55-65% of our complete
body mass is made up of water. Most cells in the human body are composed
more than 75% water. The average man who weighs 65kg, holds some
40 litres of water! Vital functions within the body rely on water
including, disposal of waste material, maintenance of body temperature,
lubrication of joints, a medium for chemical reactions, production
of energy in the body. Though our bodies can deal with disparities
in food intake for a few days, the limits for inadequate water
intake are much narrower. Lack of water for a few days can lead to
and serious health risks through dehydration. Maintaining a sound
fluid balance is crucial for healthy living, with the recommendation
of drinking at least 2 litres of water a day.
During any form of mild or strenuous physical activity water loss
from the body increases and must be replenished before, during and
after exercise. How much you drink during exercise depends on the
intensity and duration of the exercise, individual body weight/size
and climate. Avoid soft drinks or fruit juices and drink fresh water
or isotonic drinks that refuel and rehydrate the body.