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Widely practised in the U.K, India, Pakistan, U.S. and other European and South American countries. Homeopathy is viewed as a complete system of medicine which promotes natural healing processes where remedies are given to strengthen the body's own inherent healing capacity. Its practitioners realise that it is a methodology not only to treat the sick, but can also help prevent illnesses and enhance general good health. It is based on sound principles, techniques and seeks to treat the patient as a whole, not just the disease. The term Homeopathy stems from the Greek word ‘Homos’ meaning like or similar and ‘Pathos’ which means suffering.

Certain principles of Homeopathy date back to the Greek physician Hippocrates in the 5th century BC. However, the discovery and development of this unique system of natural medicine is attributed to the 18th century German doctor, Samuel Hahneman. He defined and laid the foundations of homeopathic theory based on natural laws such as the ‘law of similars’ which implies that like cures like.

For example, if suffering from insomnia conventional medical treatment may include drugs that would induce a type of artificial sleep, this can be defined as the way of opposites. The alternative Homeopathic way of similars would give the sufferer minute doses of substances such as coffee, which under normal circumstances in large quantities would cause sleeplessness.

Another good example is the patient who is suffering flu or hay fever like symptoms, runny nose, itchy eyes etc. Here the homeopathic remedy would once again suggest the administration of a minute dosage of a substance, which in bigger doses causes similar symptoms in a healthy individual. In this case, that may mean homoeopathically prepared doses of onion. The remedy provided will then stimulate the body’s own inner healing ability.

Each remedy is discovered firstly through a standard homeopathic procedure where a substance is tested on a group of healthy volunteers for its effects and then the symptoms are recorded, analysed and compared to produce results that then define a particular remedy. Each homeopathic medicine has its unique symptom recorded in the homeopathic Materia Medica (the study or science of drugs, their preparation, properties, uses and effects)

As mentioned earlier, homeopathy places greater emphasis on dealing with an individuals illness on a complete level. In assessment terms this means analysing a persons mental, physical and emotional status. A patient would be examined and asked to relay all details concerning symptoms, feelings and any related history. The assessment would also take into account an individuals character, lifestyle, family medical history, diet, exercise, stress levels etc. The homeopath would then be in a position to select a single remedy which best reflects the patients symptoms and will stimulate the body’s natural defence systems. The number of appointments, remedies and amount of treatment will differ between patient, severity and condition.

Most Homeopathic remedies are derived from plant, animal, and mineral extracts. In there original form, some of these sources can be highly poisonous, however the homeopathic method of preparation ensures safety partly due to the extremely high dilution rates. The remedies are prescribed in various forms, liquids, powders or sugar pills. Homeopathic medicines can be applied as a main or supplementary form of treatment for most illnesses and ailments for people of all ages. An established alternative to conventional medicine, this subtle form of natural therapy is safe, gentle, cheap and effective.



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