Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by a virus that
attacks the liver, the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). It can cause lifelong
cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure, and
death. The most common serious liver infection in the world, hepatitis
B is more infectious than AIDS because it is very easily transmitted
by blood with a single virus particle being able to cause the disease.
It is transmitted through infected blood and other body fluids like
seminal fluid, vaginal secretions, breast milk, tears, saliva and
open sores, unprotected sexual intercourse and illicit drug use. The
common mode of transmission is from Hepatitis B infected mothers to
the foetus prior to birth. Persons at risk for HBV infection might
also be at risk for infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) or HIV. Who is at risk of contracting HBV?
People who are exposed to blood or body fluids of an infected person
are at risk including:
first aid and emergency workers |
funeral directors |
police constables |
dentists and dental assistants |
other medical personnel. |
In addition, those at risk include
persons with multiple sex partners |
intravenous drug users who share needles and
syringes |
infants/children of immigrants from areas with
high rates of HBV infection |
Hemo-dialysis patients |
People living in the same household with an infected
person. |
People who work or are incarcerated in a prison. |
Travelling to countries with a high incidence
of Hepatitis B. |
People who get tattoos made or have their ear
or body pierced. |
Once infected with the Hepatitis B Virus, approximately 10% of
the people develop a chronic permanent infection. It is very
in Asia, China, Philippines, Africa and the Middle East. The
overall incidence of reported Hepatitis B is 2 per 10,000 individuals,
but the true incidence may be higher, because many cases do
cause symptoms and go undiagnosed and unreported. About 30%
of persons have no signs or symptoms and only a blood test can
for sure. Signs and symptoms are less common in children than
Symptoms can include:
Pain in the joints |
Weakness and fatigue |
aundice |
Dark coloured urine |
Stools are clay coloured. |
Fever |
Generalised itching |
Loss of appetite |
Nausea and vomiting |
Indigestion and abdominal pain |
Tenderness and enlargement of the liver |
Hepatitis B Prevention
There is no cure for people who have Hepatitis B. There are medications
available to treat long-lasting (chronic) HBV-infection. These
only work for certain people. The long-term effect of Hepatitis
B without
vaccination results in chronic infection occurring in:
90% of infants infected at birth |
30% of children infected between the age of 1
to 5 years |
6% of persons infected after the age of 5 |
Death from chronic liver disease occurs in:
15-25% of chronically infected persons |
That is why prevention is so important. Hepatitis B vaccine is
the best protection against HBV. Hepatitis B vaccine is available
all age groups to prevent Hepatitis B virus infection. Three
doses are commonly needed for complete protection. Please contact
GP for further information.