1 The Smoking epidemic
The British Medical Journal (BMJ 2000; 320: 397) reported that
doctors should treat smoking and its nicotine addiction as a disease.
College of Physicians (Tobacco advisory Group RCP Feb 2000) noted
that nicotine is as addictive as heroin and cocaine. 1
-Smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable disease and premature
death. 120,000 people die each year in the UK through smoking related
disease- this is 320 people every day 2
2. Smoking prevalence is very high in some Asian groups
In the general population, 27% of both men and women smoke:3
In Asian Men 44% of Bengali men, 26% of Pakistani men smoke and 23%
of Indian men smoke 3
In Asian Women we have 6% of Indian Women, 5% of Pakistani women and
1% of Bengali women who smoke. 3
However, chewing tobaccos is very common in the Bengali community
where 26% of Bengali women chew tobacco paan (betel leaf and areca
nut) and 19% men chew paan, Gutka and other variations of tobacco