Men and women from all minority ethnic
groups, except the Irish, were less likely to drink alcohol than the
general population, and consumed smaller amounts. Among men in the
general population, 30% usually drank more than 21 units of alcohol
a week. While the proportion of Irish men drinking more than 21 units
a week was similar (34%), estimates for men in all other groups were
much lower: 18% Black Caribbean; 14% Indian; 3% Chinese; 2% Pakistani;
and 1% Bangladeshi. Age-adjusted risk ratios were all below 1, except
for the Irish (1.13).
The proportion of women in the
general population who reported drinking more than 14 units a week
was 16%. Only Irish women were more likely
to drink this amount (19%). Among Black Caribbean and Chinese women,
the proportions were 9% and 4% respectively, while very few South
Asian women exceeded this amount.
Source: The Health
Survey of England 1999